Thursday, January 26, 2012

Might This Be Chicken Love?

I was fortunate to spend a sunny moment last April with this pretty bird... I was smitten.

Chickens come and chickens go... this bird has flown.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mail's Here.

How do I know?

I hear our mailman singing his heart out as he drives up and drops the mail into our roadside box... that's how. 

Jayson (our mailman) is lead singer and upright bass player in one of our favorite local bands, the Mad Mountain Scramblers. Envious? You should be. He has a voice; that classic, high lonesome sound, true to bluegrass vocals. Sounds like the title of a song... My Mailman Sings and Plays String Bass in a Bluegrass Country Band.

Living in a small town, knowing who takes care of what needs taking care of and knowing a little bit more of who they are... makes it shine.

Mad Mountain Scramblers

I've got mail, take a listen.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday MRVblog

It's been 365 days since I launched this blog, a whole whopping year!

And just for grins, I put together a little slideshow of some of the photos posted over the past year. I tried to keep it under 5 minutes, but I couldn't possibly squish the pictures into anything under 9. Bear with me, you'll get to listen to some terrific local musicians, the Mad Mountain Scramblers and Last October. So take 5... I mean 10 and enjoy.

And thank you for reading and subscribing, it's been fun.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are You Afraid

To Play Outside in the Dark?

All you need is a light strapped to your head and a pair of skis or snowshoes and a couple of good friends for company. That is, except for last night when a pair of hiking boots with yaktraxs strapped over the soles was a must have along with the good friends to hold each other up.

Tonight, however, is another night and it has been snowing all day. Last one out the door is a....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hey There Little Red Riding Hood

You sure are looking good.

The Waitsfield Village Moon

You're everything a big bad wolf could want. Ow ooooooooooooooo.............
It's January and the full moon is for the wolves.

Friday, January 6, 2012


A calendar in the making.













Every year we custom design and order our calendars from an online printing service. I'm going to like 2012, even if it is a little late. Good thing we have our magnetic Bisbee's 2012 year at a glance on the fridge until then. 

Old Man Winter? The MRV invites you to... let 'er rip!