Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daycation to The Gulf in Search of the Wild Ramp

The Granville Gulf, not the "Gulf of Mexico" with its warm sandy beaches (having fun Skip and Tina?), though it does showcase a very splendid waterfall, Moss Glen Falls.

And wait till you see what I hope to discover. My expectations are high. So... with shovel, garden fork, a basket and most importantly, my best friend, we're off on another hunt.


This, my friends, is one humungous hillside patch (acres and acres) of wild ramps.

With a few digs and shakes we have plenty for supper. No need to be greedy in case we don't favor the flavor. Our first ramp harvest is a success. 

And another first... a Wild Ramp risotto in the making.

Time for dinner now, let's go eat. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

So Much Growing On

It's blinding green in the Valley today and the growing going on around us is a dirt under the fingernails extravaganza.

With a kitchen table full of cukes and tomatoes

and a garden bed of peas coming up for air,

we'll be strong to the finish cause we're eatin' our spinach.

Although, the most exciting occurrence is growing right here. Thanks to my friend Marge, I shall never compost passively again. Nope, growing dirt, lot's of dirt, is an active endeavor in this backyard from now on. There's some gorgeous, nutrient rich earth developing in these bins. The joy of composting... who knew.

While we play in the dirt the sweet scent of plum blossoms delight us and from the buzz in the trees our neighborhood hive is pleased, as well.

I hope you have as much fun getting your hands dirty. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Loon Lunch

Every once in while it's fun to adventure outside of the valley, every once in awhile.

Green River Reservoir State Park was the perfect spot for a picnic on this sunny day in the 80's. Though not officially open, the resident wild life were happy to see us.

We arrived with intentions to paddle this beautiful 650 acre lake. However, the park gates were closed. Walking down to the water's edge and picnicking on the rocks would have to do. It wasn't long before we heard the loons call. Sighting them a couple hundred yards across the lake, it was a delight to have them swim into this little cove and picnic with us. And if my camera battery hadn't died I would be showing you how really close they came, but you get the idea.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Good Day

That's what today was. Full of fun, discovery, and doing things... just because.

My best friend took me on a very early morning bike ride to share a special find... a woodland hillside carpeted in bloodroot. How perfectly sweet.

Plus one little coltsfoot.

The village is still under April's thumb

However, today whispered warm and sunny with promises of more tomorrow. And I've found the perfect spot to enjoy it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

April Stand Still

Spring appears to be stuck in a holding pattern or maybe she just hasn't made up her mind. Winter still has a slight hold on things.

 Though not enough to get in the way of a beauty... a spring beauty.

Exciting update on our neighborhood bear... a visitor in the wee hours of the night! He woke us up batting the empty bird feeder off the side of the house. By the light of the moon we watched him lumber around the yard searching for snacks before wandering on his merry way.