Monday, January 24, 2011

Start Your Engines

Go ahead give it a crank. Cross your fingers, you only have so many tries. It's -20 degrees this morning. The kind of morning your nostrils stick shut and the breath catches in the back of your throat. A morning engines choose not to cooperate (do you blame them?). I have a delivery to make.  Otherwise, I'd still be under the goose down. Here I go.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome changes back to normal temps today. Snowing lightly, no wind, and fresh snow on my ski this morning. Noticed lots of new tracks of all the sub terrain survivors. How do they do it ? Three days burrowed in some hovel their only chance of survival not to disturb the snowpack above them. " It's warmer and I'm hungry, come on let's bust of here ! "


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