Monday, November 19, 2012

Over The River And Through The Woods

Three days to go.

Might as well get a jump on things. Look what I picked up at the Hunger Mountain Coop in Montpelier.

Cranberries, grown in Vermont cranberries... how perfect.

I add to the berries (12oz), 3/4 cup of cider, 3/4 cup of maple syrup (I prefer grade B), a splash of orange juice, a sprinkle of orange zest and bring all of it to a medium boil.

And in a hand full of minutes (give or take 10), I end up with this jewel of a sauce.

And a kitchen that smells all sparkly and cheerful (like a holiday). 

The market up the street just called. A little bird (not a turkey mind you) must have informed them I've yet to order our fresh and locally raised fowl we'll be roasting and serving along side the cranberry sauce (with gravy, of course) come Thursday. They (the market) are more than happy to put one aside with my name on it for pickup tomorrow.

We live in an extraordinarily good community.

Here's wishing you a warm and joyful holiday.


  1. Oh, cool. I dind't know that about the market in Warren. Has it always been a coop?

    We're actually moving to the Mad River Valley next month - very excited and proud that this will be home. :) Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Yes, Lisa
      I believe the EWCM has been a coop all along. We are fortunate to have so many food conscious establishments in the valley. Good food, good water, good friends, great goodness all around. Welcome to the MRV you're going to love it here.


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