Monday, March 14, 2011

Tele Like Mad

We did it again.

NATO Telemark Festival 2011, Mad River Glen
Once a year my best friend gathers up our friends and colleagues, the best of the best in Telemark camaraderie. And we ski and network and clinic and trade and play and dance and laugh and ski some more....... you get the gist.

 Photo credit: Megan Schultz

I have tolerated the boots all winter, now what to do about this hat.

Telemarkers do justice inside as well.

What did I tell ya.

He dances like no other, this I like. :)

And my favorite: our wrap up of the weekend down in General Stark's Pub sippin a Lawson's and listening to the Valley's Mad Mountain Scramblers.

That was fun!


  1. Sweeeeeet! Big smiles and good times all around. Thanks for another great Tele gathering of the vibes. Now, onto to the corn harvest and sugarin' - Cheers!

  2. Yes, the corn is happening. Took some runs up on a hill in North Fayston tonight and sweet it was.


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