Saturday, May 21, 2011

Filled to the Brim

And Spilling Over

I woke up this morning excited to be outside. The apple trees are in full bloom and the blossoms have filled our yard with a delicate scent... so sweet. A photo would have been nice, but soggy blossoms are not very picture pretty. However, the pond is quite proud of all the rain.

This one's for my pocket. I'm saving it for a dog day in August, just in case I need a little refreshment.

The sun may come out tomorrow, I'll be waiting by the blossoms.


  1. I love the photo of the raindrops on the pond! Gorgeous.

  2. Thank you MRK, I don't think I've seen the pond covered with bubbles quite like this. So much water falling out of the sky at once, interesting cause and effect. Get ready for some more.


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